Object orientated Programming Language


Created and Edited by Learron Ashton



Please check out http://rapidq.no-ip.org for FREE bannerless 150 MB Web hosting


Please note that Spelling mistake and omissions are NOT intentional and email me at the above address if there are any mistakes


Please also note that ALL source code can be downloaded from the Tutorials Site and also can be shipped for $US 7 on CDROM!

Let’s start of with a simple program, the famous hello world application.


Enter this line into the RapidQ Code Viewer

Showmessage “hello World”


Go to the file menu and choose save, save it as the filename helloworld.bas


From the run menu choose run or simply hit F5 and you will see the following


Click on the OK button to close the window


You will notice the Menu bar of the top Program says helloworld, It will default to the Filename, we can change this by adding the following line above the line we added before

application.title="Test Application" we see the following


We cannot see the whole Title because it is too long for the Minimum size of a Form.

The only way to see the whole title is to make the Test longer so change the following line

Showmessage “hello world” to

Showmessage “   hello world   notice how there are 10 blank spaces before and after the text hello world


Press F5 and you get the following


The above is our first application, save it and call it hello world app.bas



Go to the Window menu and click Form1


and you will see the following:



The above Window is what we call a FORM, a FORM is something similar to a Piece of canvas, we can add buttons and other controls to this form, of which we will do as we get along in this book.

On the above form click the Button button (I know I know) click on this

 and click on the form somewhere like this


Click once on the button so it looks like this

The left are the properties of this Button, we will run through these on the Next page, each property has an effect on the Button

On the Left hand side you will see this

To change options click on the relevant option and you will see  of these

* these allow you to choose from a list of options by clicking on the arrow like this:

The options are displayed in a list like above, to select and option highlight it and left click it



If you select 4 –alright you will see the following


As you can see the Button has aligned itself to the right hand side and taken up the Whole height of the form, of course you can resize any object by dragging the little black boxes as shown below


Okay Now change the property that says caption to say Hello world so it should look like the Screen shot on the following page



Now before we proceed I want to explain something.


On the right of the Properties Tab is the Events Tab, () events are actions that occurs when something is done, now different Objects have different Events, for example the Button has the following Events:


If you select the Button now, and click on the Events Tab

 and click inside OnClick, a  appears, click on this and you will be presented with the following:


The code inside here will be executed when the button has an OnClick event, or a user Clicks on the button

Inside this box enter the following code

Showmessage “Hello again world”


Click on the Code it button

and then save it as Hello app2.bas

then Run the App (by pressing F5), you should get, a screen like the one below


Click on the Button now and you should get


This little dialog box came up because we said in the box on the previous page Showmessage “Hello again world” this told the program that when the button was pushed display this code.



Simple Code 




ClS – this just clears the screen in Console Applications, here I will briefly explain the two types of applications RapidQ can do, GUI or Console, Console are DOS based applications, they run in a window,

Console Application

A GUI (Graphical user Interface) Application is like the one(s) that you have been creating.


In a Console Application, cls clears the screen and print displays text on the screen, Input allows a user to input stuff, so let’s try out hand at a console application.


Click the new icon to open up a new window, type the following

print "what is your sex"

Input sex$

if sex$="male" then

print "you are a male"

end if

if sex$="female" then

print "You are a female"

end if

sleep 5


I will explain the above program:

The first line displays the text “what is your sex”, the second line says wait for user input, and when they do  type something and press enter it will be saved in the variable sex$, now I will explain variables.

Variables are like Post boxes, they hold temporary information, so when you entered male the variable sex$ also was male, the fact that it had a $ on the end means that Both text and number can go into it, if it has a $ then it is called a String, a string is anything that is encased in either “ marks or in NOT a number example

If we enter the following lines


Sleep 5


If we were to enter the above, we would just get 1+2 on the screen, then a short delay of 5 seconds, this can be good if you are wanting to display this equation, however if you want to find the result we have to take it out of its string form,. Because being a string it is NOT a number or equation t\for that matter.

Try this


print a

sleep 5


The above code displays 3, this is Because a is NOT a string, it is still a variable though, and the print a told RapidQ to print the result, so let’s recap about variables, pick the strings from the below list:










The answer to the previous Quiz was





Because they ALL have the $.

Back to the Program we ran before


print "what is your sex"

Input sex$

if sex$="male" then

print "you are a male"

end if

if sex$="female" then

print "You are a female"

end if

sleep 5


The 3rd line says if what the user enters and stores in the string variable sex$ equals male (notice how male is in Quotation marks, this is so it is treated as a string) then line 4 says print on the screen “you are male”.

Line 5 says end the if statement, ALL if statements MUST be terminated, as soon as possible (with the end if command) this is for two reasons:

1)     – They can get VERY messy if you don’t

2)     – You may actually end up ending the wrong if statement

I will give you a demonstration

The following program


print "What’s your name (gary)"

input name$

if name$="gary" then

print "Thats good"

if name$<>"gary" then

end if

print "Not good"

end if

sleep 5


Would ask you for your Name, when you entered gary it would display

That’s good

Not good


This is because of BAD if statement termination.

The correct syntax should be

print "What’s your name (gary)"

input name$

if name$="gary" then

print "Thats good"

end if

if name$<>"gary" then

print "Not good"

end if

sleep 5


Not the above code, but the code above that was saying if what the user entered was gary then print That’s good and Print Not good then END the IF statement


Back to the Program

print "what is your sex"

Input sex$

if sex$="male" then

print "you are a male"

end if

if sex$="female" then

print "You are a female"

end if

sleep 5


If the user enters female as the sex then print on the screen You are a female

End the IF statement

The Sleep 5 just pauses the Application for 5 seconds so you can see the outcome


Check out the RQDOCS\console.html file



Okay lets make a useful Application, lets make a database that will allow you to store information about contacts, sort of like your Windows Address book!


Okay now design your form similar to the one shown below

Clicking on the Edit button and then click on the form

Now in there properties area change the text here

Change the Text so that it displays nothing (empty the text property)

Change the location of the edit box by changing the left property to 50 and the top property to 30


Now do the same, place 3 more on the form, align the ALL to left 50 and top multiples of 30, 60, 90, 120

Click on the Label button

 and position that at left 180 top 35

and 3 more at left 180 and top at multiples of 36, 65, 95, 125

it should look like this


Change the caption properties of the Labels to read:


Label2=First Name


Label4=Phone Number



As you can see the Labels aren’t quite wide enough, simple solution

Change the width of each to 100


The Updated form should look like this


Add three button as shown below by clicking on the Buttons Button and then arranging them with what ever dimensions you want

Change their text to:



Next >



So that it looks like this


Now click on the Cancel Button and then click on the Events Tab of the Properties Area and select

Click the … button and you will get



This is called the Event handle window, in here enter

End This simply Ends the program if this button is Clicked.

Click on OK to apply the settings (you must Always click on OK to apply code settings).


Click on Button 2 “The one with < Back written on it” and go to the properties tab and change the enabled property to

0 – false


So the form should look like this



The Disabled < Back button now cannot be clicked.

Click on the Next > button and go to the events tab and enter an event at OnClick (click on the … button) and enter into the Event handle Box the following code (of which I will explain)


DIM data as qfilestream

data.open("c:\data.txt", 65535)



The above text is only a portion of it so I will explain this first.

The DIM data as qfilestream means basically set up the variable data as a file handler (this means everything the data refers to will be the file)

data.open("c:\data.txt", 65535)

The above line means (using the file handler data) data.open means open then file that data handler refers to in this case c:\data.txt

The filename quoted in “”s means this is the file to open, note you NEED to use the Full Resource locater (RL) the part of the file that says ,65535 means to Create the file, the modes are as bellows:

To create a file = 65535

To open a file for reading ONLY = 0

To open a file for Writing ONLY = 1

To Open a file for Read and Write = 2


So if you are writing to or reading from use 2, IMPORTANT NOTE When you use mode 65535 be careful, next time you use this and you ask the file to be created again (by using 65535) and the file already exists then you are going to run into problems, if in a program you have a file created all the time then you must delete the file prior to creating it!


The above line says write a line of something to c:\data.txt.

So the above line says to write edit1.text+"|"+edit2.text+"|"+edit3.text+"|"+edit4.text to the data.txt.


The above line is saying what ever is held in the edit filed edit1.text, edit2.text, edit3.text and edit4.text to the data file.

Note in the above screen shot I have added the line data.close

The above line tells RapidQ to close the file with the handle of data (in this case c:\data.txt).

This then means that the file is closed, you can now use the handle data and you don’t have to declare it because it has already been declared in the line that we discussed ages ago DIM data as qfilestream.


Now that we have the form designed and the basics on the Code written, we have to do a few more little things, we have to enable the Back button when the Next > button is clicked.

Add the code into the event handler box under the line data.close

button2.enabled = 1

so when the Next > button is clicked the button2 will become active, in this example this is the back button, now we must give the illusion that the < Back button actually does go back, with this we must click OK to accept the code in the button1.click event handler, and then click on the < Back button click on the events tab and open up an onclick event handler for the < Back button.

To open up the event handler click on the back button

and then click on the

Then click on the onclick event tab

now click on the … button

you will get the following


In here erase the line above (this is put in automatically) and put the following text in






The above line(s) say in the edit1.text filed put nothing (clear it) do the same with edit2.text, edit3.text and edit4.text.


When the four fields are cleared then disable the < Back button again, the reason why we have done the above code, is to give the appearance that the Back button has gone back to the previous screen, which of course we know hasn’t happened.

Be very careful when ding this with your programs, you will need to initialize ALL variables, for example if we had a variable called tt in the code somewhere and ran the program like this, the tt variable will still hold what ever it was holding when it was last called, this can be particularly dangerous in loops, for example if we had a loop that ran 100 times, then when the back button was Clicked, and we were using tt to count the number of times, so when tt was the value of 100 it would stop, we would be in trouble because tt is already set to 100 so the loop would NOT run, so here's the first EXTEREMELY important rule

            Always reset variables, and before

            They are used ALWAYS set them

            to their starting value.



You should have the following code, it is also in the code\app1 directory on the CDROM

' Copy and paste into your program

DECLARE SUB Button1Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)

DECLARE SUB Button2Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)

DECLARE SUB Button3Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)



    Caption = "Form1"

    Width = 428

    Height = 293



        Caption = "Surname"

        Left = 180

        Top = 35

        Width = 42



        Caption = "Firstname"

        Left = 180

        Top = 65

        Width = 45



        Caption = "Address"

        Left = 180

        Top = 95

        Width = 38



        Caption = "Phone Number"

        Left = 180

        Top = 125

        Width = 71



        Text = ""

        Left = 50

        Top = 30



        Text = ""

        Left = 50

        Top = 60

        TabOrder = 1



        Text = ""

        Left = 50

        Top = 90

        TabOrder = 2



        Text = ""

        Left = 50

        Top = 120

        TabOrder = 3



        Caption = "Next >"

        Left = 322

        Top = 223

        TabOrder = 4

        OnClick = Button1Click



        Caption = "< Back"

        Left = 234

        Top = 223

        Enabled = 0

        TabOrder = 5

        OnClick = Button2Click



        Caption = "Cancel"

        Left = 18

        Top = 223

        TabOrder = 6

        OnClick = Button3Click




'Insert your initialization code here




'--------- Subroutines ---------


SUB Button1Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)

DIM data as qfilestream

data.open("c:\data.txt", 65535)



button2.enabled = 1




SUB Button2Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)








SUB Button3Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)






Normally I will not show code here in this book as it takes up too much space but here we need to do some tidying up, remove the line that start with the ‘ key

E.g. the following line(s)

'--------- Subroutines ---------

'Insert your initialization code here

' Copy and paste into your program

Theses will typically appear in Green italics but not always, these lines take up space in the application (not much) but it makes the code smaller.

Under the FORM code change the following line     Caption = "Form1"

Change the word(s) Form 1 to what ever you want, try Database application V1.0.


Save the File and run it you will get the following Finished application


when you look in the root directory of your C Drive you get a file called data.txt open it and you get.

The problem  with this application is two fold, one we need to change the file opening mode to 2, not 65535 because the file already exists we don’t want to delete it then recreate it, because it hold data that we want to keep, so change the Mode to 2, so change the line above that says:

Data.open(“c:\data.txt”, 65535) to

Data.open(“c:\data.txt”, 2) to


Also we don’t want the Text to be replaced every time we enter a new entry so just before the line where it says data.writeline …

Enter data.seek(0,2)

This will cause new Data to start at the end of the file!

This is the end the application runs fine

The code is on the CDROM under the code app1 directory under the file version 2.bas


The Application actually works and can be used, feel free to change it, oh yeah and you can sell the application if you want for a fee.





Now we learn some fundamentals?

Variables are little boxes of information that hold data, for example the variable dta=18

This means that the Variable data holds the value 18, now variables can be practically any length and contain any characters and/or number as long as strings (these are Variables that end is the $ sing) contain at least 1 letter.


So if we were to type


showmessage dta$


then we would get



Now the $ means that it holds Text, although in this example we have a number


Strings can hold either Numbers and/or Text so lets recap, strings are collections of text, variables can hold strings, note that numbers can also be text, when a number is held as a string it cannot be added for example:



Showmessage a$+b$


The above code would show


so to covert the above code into a mathematical operation we need to change the strings to numeric variables, abc we do this by the Val command




Showmessage str$(c)


Note above the first line says assign the variable a the number 123 and assign the variable b to 456, the third line says assign the variable c the equation 123+456, the following line after that says to display the answer held in c as a string, note the showmessage command can ONLY show strings, so the str$() command converts Numbers into strings.

So Val() converts from strings to numbers and Str$() converts from numbers to strings, note Val() will NOT convert a Strings like a$=”aaa” to a number!


Strings can hold an infinite number of characters for example:

Name$ = “this is my name bob jones”


Printing the above command would show




Enabling and Disabling Components


Create a Form similar to the following form, it does not have to be exact


What we are going to do it when you click on checkbox 1 button 1 is disabled and when checkbox 2 is clicked button 2 disables and button 1 enables and so on…


Try this code


First create a on click event for the checkbox1 (when I say for example an onclick event for the checkbox1, I mean click on the component checkbox1 and then click on events, then click OnClick)


In the above box add then following


button1.enabled = 1

button2.enabled = 0


and click ok then click on the checkbox2 component and create an onclick event and enter the following


button2.enabled = 1

button1.enabled = 0


Now code the form and run it (when ever you code new forms you may need to save it, this code is included on the cdrom as cbenabler when you run it and click on checkbox1 button1 becomes disabled and when you click on checkbox2 button 2 becomes disabled, this was possible because when a user clicked on checkbox1,. We said to enable a button e.g. buttin1.enabled and disable the other button e.g. button2.disabled, you have got to remember in this example when you have 2 components working like we have in the previous example, when you are enabling one to disable the other.


Component fun


Let’s start having some fun with the different components



Make the above Form.


We are going to do some fun stuff with this form, the first thing I want to do it make the form display Hello world in the edit box when the Round button (OvalBtn1) is pressed, so create an Onclick event for OvalBtn1


In the Event handler box enter

edit1.text="hello World"


Now code is save the form and run it and clicking on the Oval button will display Hello world in the Edit box like below



Now I want the Radio Button the have a dot in the circle to it immediate left, to do this we must edit the Onclick event for the Oval button and add




under the already existing code.


When the user clicks on checkbox1 we want a messagebox to display “Yeahh”

This should be simple for you now, create an OnClick event for the checkbox1 component and in the event handler box enter


showmessage "Yeahh"


Now what we want to do is when the radiobutton1 radiobox is checked (or got a dot in the circle) the message yeahh is displayed but we don’t want the checkbox1 checked, what we can do is rather than rewrite the code for the radio button is activate the checkbox then de activate the checkbox1, try this code by creating an Onclick event for the radiobutton1





Now what this will do is remember when we made the checkbox1 activate when the oval button is pressed, what this will do is, when the user click on either the radiobutton1 Or the Ovalbutton1 the message “yeahh” is displayed (this was all planned)


Now I know that the above example form is absolutely useless so let’s make a useful application, let me think hmmmm…


Lets create a little Game, that allow someone to enter a number if the number is under 5 then the program will not allow you to click the Show button, but if the number is 5 or above it will, try creating the form shown below



Now create an OnClick event for the

 … Button and add the following


if edit1.text="4" or edit1.text = "3" or edit1.text = "2" or edit1.text = "1" or edit1.text = "0" then




end if


in the Show Button enter an Onclick event that contains the following cod


Showmessage "Thankyou"


When running this Game, if you enter below 4 i.e. 4,3,2,1 or 0 then Show button becomes disabled this is called error checking, and 5 or above the button is enabled.


Assessment 1


Create a Game that the computer thinks of a number between 1 and 9 using the following lines

Randomize timer


To generate the random number and using the below form



Now the user enters their number into the edit box and when then click on Guess a message box pops up saying “Higher” if the users number is higher than the number the computer guessed or “Lower” if the users number is lower than the number that the Computer guess, and it displays “TES” when both computer and users number are the same!


The code is as follows, the Bold statements describe this program


' Copy and paste into your program

DECLARE SUB Button1Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)

randomize timer this makes the random number different

compnum=int(rnd(9)) This is the random number


    Caption = "Form4"

    Width = 320

    Height = 240



        Caption = "Enter a Number between 1 and 9"

        Left = 48

        Top = 18

        Width = 160

        Transparent = 1



        Caption = "Label2"

        Left = 62

        Top = 144

        Width = 112

        Transparent = 1



        Text = "Edit1"

        Left = 70

        Top = 41



        Caption = "Guess"

        Left = 97

        Top = 73

        TabOrder = 1

        OnClick = Button1Click




'Insert your initialization code here




'--------- Subroutines ---------


SUB Button1Click (Sender AS QBUTTON)

label2.caption="Number is "+str$(compnum) This displays the random number, you can lave this line out if you want

if editbox1.text="9" or editbox1.text="8" or editbox1.text="7" or editbox1.text="6" or editbox1.text="5" or editbox1.text="4" or editbox1.text="3" or editbox1.text="2" or editbox1.text="1" or editbox1.text="0" then this line checks that the number is 1 to 9



showmessage “Come on between 1 and 9” tells the user they haven’t chosen a number between 1 and 9

end if


if compnum=humnum then the 2 numbers are the same

showmessage "YES"


end if

if compnum<humnum then the 2 numbers are not the same

showmessage "Lower"

else the only other check possible is the computer number is higher than the human number

showmessage "Higher"

end if







File operations


Now we are going to learn about file operations, this is important because with this you can change the contents of a file.


Now before we continue we are going to use a file that was included on the CDROM, so copy the file called data.txt to a directory and remember cause we are going to be using it.


The first thin we do for a file is set it up for operations first you need to write

DIM file as qfilestream

now the word file could be anything this is just to identify the file, the next line is

File.open(“c:\data.txt”, 2)

This gets the file open ready for read and write, 65535 sets the file up to be created, be careful though the program will NOT go past the line with 65535 if the file already exists.


Now we have the file initialized and open for read/write operations w are going to be able to have some fun with the file.


Now to add a line to the file we need to add file.writeline(“tony”)


This is fine but the problem is the information would overwrite what’s already in the file data.txt, so to get to the end we need to add



Now when ever we use the above line data will be appended to the end of the file instead the front.


Rapidq.inc stipulates how these work they work by the way of the following:

0 = from the beginning

1 = From the current

2 = from the end


so file.seek(1,2) would be from the current to the beginning, remembering that seek means got from somewhere (being one of those numbers ) to somewhere else (being the second number)


file.eof is useful for when we want to get the end of the file, so your code should like this now


DIM file as qfilestream

File.Open("c:\data.txt", 2)




After running the previous code check the file and make sure the data is entered


Now I am going to introduce to you the fun of EOF.


For this exercise we are going to use the same file but we are going to ready each line of code from the file and then we are going to end the code with the EOF function


Check out this code

DIM file as qfilestream

File.Open("c:\data.txt", 2)



showmessage data$

loop until file.eof


The first two lines are self explanatory but I will explain it again, the first line initializes the file, and creates a filestream, the second line opens the file ready for both read and write access, to 3rd line is where the loop starts (we go through loops next) and the 4th line we have the line


This line assigns any information contained in the file Line by line to the variable Data$.

The line that follows that is just to show what is contained with the data$ variable and of course

loop until file.eof

the above line says loop the contents between the words Do and Loop until we reach the end of the file

Note file.eof means until the end of file is reached.


The other useful ones that you’ll use are linecount

So we are going to add the line

Showmessage str$(file.linecount)


Now the above line basically displays the message (via messagebox command) the number of lines (via the linecount command) now because this is a number we have to copnvert6 it to a string, as the message command will NOT display true numbers, but only numbers treated as strings, if we wanted the number of lines to stay as a number then we would have to use just file.linecount


The line file.size tells us the files size, so change the line

Showmessage str$(file.linecount)


Showmessage str$(file.size)


And it may show something like



This just happens to be the size of my data.txt file


Now we have discussed file.writeline, there is also file.writestr(string,size) e.g.

File.writestr(“hello”,5) then size has to be the number of characters


Working with Variables


Okay now Variable come in two flavors they are Strings and Numbers, an example of a string variable is varstring$, a number variable is varnumber!

Now number Variable can be strings by changing varnumber to varnumber$.


Now you cannot add 1 + 1 and get 2 if the two numbers are variables adding “1” + “1” (note we enclose strings in quotation marks) will get you “11”, but two numbers variables will give you 2


So you will have to think carefully about variables, lets try a little program with variables


Try this code



showmessage "a$ + b$ = "+a$+b$

'now converting the strings to number variables



showmessage "a + b = "+str$(a+b)


the first and second lines set a$ to be the string 1 and b$ to be the string 3.

Then a message is shown like the one below


The 4th and 5th lines are a comment, on the 6th line we convert the string to a number using the Val() command and assign the NEW value of 1 to a and the NEW value of 3 to b then we add them together and show the answer, BUT we must convert the numbers to a String again using the str() command in order for the Program to show the numbers, so we get the following as the second screen.


So we can see how 1+3=4 and how “1” + “3” = “13”.


Unlike other Programming languages rapidq does NOT need the variables initialized




There are 2 types of loops, the conditional and un-conditional.

The conditional is a loop that will stop when a condition is reached, an un-conditional loop is one that will go for ever until a user breaks out of it, I dunno why you would want an un-conditional loop but hey they do exist, let’s sort out a conditional loop




showmessage "looping "+str$(c)+" times of 10"

loop until c=10


The above loop shows a conditional loop the condition of this loop is in the line loop until c=10, which means when the variable c reached 10 it would stop.

Take a look at this loop


for i=1 to 10

showmessage "looping "+str$(i)+" times of 10"

next i


The above loop does the exact same as the loop before so what is the difference


Well the two loops are identical in their form, lets say we wanted the second example to loop from 3-7 we would change it to


for i=3to 7

showmessage "looping "+str$(i)+" times of 10"

next i


The First example would appear like this





showmessage "looping "+str$(c)+" times of 10"

loop until c=7


These 2 loops do the same also, so it really depends on your preference, there is another loop however called while wend


while c<10


showmessage "looping "+str$(c)+" times of 10"



more to come…